The Filesystem Module

To use this module, include ccbase/filesystem.hpp. Please note that this module currently works on OS X and Linux only.


Using this header, you can do the following without any static library dependencies.

// Iterate over all JPG files in the `dat` directory after applying a
// Bash glob filter.
for (const auto& e : cc::match_files("dat/frame_[abc]*.jpg")) {

If you do not need a glob filter, then use match_files() instead. This function is more efficient, since it does not pass each file name through a glob filter. Note that ., .., and other dotfiles will appear in the range of matched files. You will need to check for these explicitly if you do not want to process them. Here’s an example:

for (const auto& e : cc::list_files("dat")) {
        if (!e.starts_with('.')) {


class file_type : unsigned char

This is an enum class used to indicate the type of the current directory_entry.

file_type block_device
file_type character_device
file_type directory
file_type fifo
file_type regular
file_type socket
file_type unknown
class directory_entry

This class is used to store the information pertaining to a directory entry.

const boost::string_ref path() const noexcept

Returns the path to the file referenced by this directory entry.

const boost::string_ref name() const noexcept

Returns the name of the file referenced by this directory entry.

file_type type() const noexcept

Returns the type of the file referenced by this directory entry.

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const directory_entry& e)

Writes the representation of the given directory_entry to the given ostream object. This representation consists of the name and type of the file referenced by the directory entry. Example output:

{name: "text.txt", type: "regular file"}
Range list_files(const boost::string_ref path)

Returns a range object that can be used to traverse the contents of the directory at path.

Throws:std::runtime_error if an IO error occurs while accessing the directory.
Range match_files(const boost::string_ref glob)

Returns a range object that can be used to traverse the contents of the directory referenced by glob. Any characters following the last occurrence of the platform directory separator in glob are used interpreted as a glob pattern. This glob pattern is used to filter the files in the directory by name.

Note that recursive directory enumeration is currently unsupported.

Throws:std::runtime_error if an IO error occurs while accessing the directory.